
♪ 文通アート No.3 ♪ 100円ショップのマスキングテープ&シールとカリグラフィーで封筒と便箋をデザイン ♪ Mail-Art No.3 ♪ Designing envelope & letter paper with 100yen shop (Japanese 1$ shop) sticker , washi tape and calligraphy/筆touchサインペン/MD用紙

文通アート 文通デコ 筆touchサインペン 100均シール mail art envelope letter paper decoration

文通アート 文通デコ 筆touchサインペン 100均シール mail art envelope letter paper decoration calligraphy
便箋のLet your light shineは「あなたの光を輝かせて」、Keep it upは「その調子で頑張ってね」封筒のHi!は「ハイ!」と書かれています。
I designed an envelope and letter paper with 100 yen shop glitter washi tape, alphabet sticker, flower design glitter sticker and calligraphy. Letter paper size is B5(Japan's own paper size standard.182mm×257mm), and envelope size is Yō-6(Japan's own envelope size standard).
I wrote "Let your light shine" with calligraphy and put "Keep it upsticker for letter paper, wrote "Hi" for envelope with calligraphy.

100均のシール マスキングテープ 封筒と便箋 washi-tape sticker envelope letter paper
These are main art materials that I used. The envelope and letter paper were sold individually.

ミドリのMD用紙コットン(A4)100枚パックとミドリのMD用紙(A4)100枚パックMidori's "MD Paper Cotton A4" (100 sheet set)and" MD Paper A4"
The paper which I wrote calligraphy were Midori's "MD Paper Cotton A4" (100 sheet set) (Right one). Left one is "MD Paper A4" (100 sheet set). "MD Paper Cotton A4" is white color paper, but this one is cream white. 
These papers can draw without run or bleed through on back side. The thickness is like normal note book paper.
※A4 is Japan's own paper size standard. maybe most commonly used size is A4(210mm×297mm).

筆touchサインペン カリグラフィーペン FUDE touch sign pen(marker) calligraphy marker
カリグラフィーに使用したのは ぺんてる「筆touchサインペン」のペールピンク(品番:SES15C-P3)です。コピー用紙に強い色のペンで書いてからトレースしました。(コピー用紙に書いたラインはところどころ滲み有)トレース台が無くても程よく透けてトレースでき、もちろん滲みも無かったです。透け感が足りないと感じたら下に白い紙を敷くとくっきりします。
The pen I used for calligraphy is Pentel's "Fude-touch sign pen" pale pink (Part number : SES15C-P3). I draw on copy paper with strong color pen, and then I traced it.(copy paper's calligraphy was bleeding here and there) You can trace it without tracing-light-board because it show through moderately, and of course it doesn't bleed. If you feel there are not much show through, put white paper under rough-calligraphy. 

トンボ シワなしPiT Tombow Shiwa-nashi PiT
I attached calligraphy paper with wrinkle-free glue-stick Tombow's "Shiwa-nashi PiT".

100均のマスキングテープ 100yen shop washi-tape
Gradation washi-tape with glitter that I bought at the 100 yen shop.

クラフトワーク craft work
After putting like this, cut off overlapping part with knife carefully. Be careful not to cut letter paper...!

マスキングテープ washi-tape
I stuck remaining part of the washi-tape on a used sticker-base that I kept.

トレース作業 トレース台 light-board tracing
Draw stripe based on copy paper draft guideline. Envelope is thick, but it translucent with light-board. I bought these marker a long time ago. MARVY's ARTWIN. blue grey and peppermint.

アルファベットシール alphabet sticker
次は銀色のアルファベットシールを貼ります。keep it upは後ろのpからKに向かって貼りました。"Go for it"(頑張れ)にする予定でしたが、シールに"o"が足りなかったのでこのフレーズに。アルファベットシールは、よく使うアルファベットは複数あったりするのですが、余裕があるなら2枚買っておいてもいいかもしれません。
Next, put a silver alphabet sticker. I started putting sticker from the end "p" to the head "K". At first, I planed to put "Go for it", but there no more "o" on the alphabet sticker... Generally, well used alphabet has available 2~3 on alphabet sticker. but if you have money to spare, you should buy 2 stickers.

クラフトワーク craft work
Make a fold line to envelope. You can put in letter paper to envelope with "threefold" in this size (B5 size letter paper to Yō-6 size envelope), so to take enough space, secure 84㎝、86.5㎝、86.5㎝ distance.
Dead ball-point pen is useful to make fold line.

クラフトワーク craft work
Here is the finished. When you decorate letter paper with sticker or collage, be careful not to get in the way of fold line.

ゼブラのクリッカート ZEBRA's CLiCKART
I used ZEBRA's CLiCKART to envelope pink line that is same color with pink calligraphy-pen between "To" and "From". These pens are well sold in Japan recently. It's cap-less and don't bleeds if you layered.
Right one is first marketed 36color set. The left one is later solded 12 color set "PL"(soft, and pale tint color set).
※Japanese stationeries are nice quality. Don't bleed, well bright coloring...please try :)

文通アート 文通デコ 筆touchサインペン 100均シール mail art envelope letter paper decoration
Complete picture. The upper right corner of the envelope is a space to put a stamp, so no stickers attached. The simple letter set was finished to cute mood letter set :) 

こちらも併せてどうぞ↓Please take a look at this as well↓

Making decorated envelope adjust to William Morris design letter papers

Making star-themed envelope & letter papers with 100yen shop (Japanese 1$ shop) sticker and illustration

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