
"ちょさくけん" について ABOUT COPYRIGHT




☆ぬりおえた ぬりえ を ツイッターなど にアップするのは だいじょうぶ です。


You can download this blog's coloring & cards and enjoy it for your personal use. But Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, text and images are strictly prohibited. Don't edit anything.
 All Rights Reserved by this blog's webmaster emma.

・accept no responsibility for any loss resulting from this blog.

In this case, distribution is permitted as an exception :)
(Free distribution only. Please don't delete URL, don't edit...
distribute at ballet school to student
Use on Volunteer activities, school events
★distribute at ballet recital, ballet events

☆Post your coloring works on SNS (twitter etc) is OK :) 

For Mom & Dad
Please explain for your children that posts this site's colorings & cards, paintings, photos, and text for blog, SNS and so forth is prohibited.
"Enjoy coloring & cards with your family, and friends only" please.

<その他 Other>

  • 17 星のイヤリングのおひめさまの無料ぬりえ」は五芒星のイヤリングですが、カードは六芒星のままになっています。
  • "17 STAR EARRINGS PRINCESS FREE COLORING" 's princess wear Five-pointed star, But this card is Hexagram.