
お給料はどれ位?! How much is the salary?!







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The salary is....low! but I could live on my salary, and I could save the money.
Don't live on luxury, it's possible to live normal life.

When I decide what the career pursue to take in junior high school, I hesitated to choose art high school because of salary in future.
I was vaguely thinking about public staff or science course job.

But my acquaintance who graduate art college said,

"You wouldn't be lich, but you can live"

so I thought,

"Ummmm.....I want to go art high school! If all else fails, What will be, will be!"

After all, I decided to go there.

"Low rent" & "not had illness" was the big deal to save money in spite of this work for me. So you should looking for a room patiently.

other saving method is ....
  • Buy clothes at flea market
  • Don't go casual acquaintance gathering
  • Don't spend money for hobby....rather than it doesn't cost much.
  • Don't connect PC to internet
  •  use flip phone
something like that. Other, I could go out with friends, and buy sweets.

However, I was single and young at that time, that the reason I could live with out any problems.

So, I recommend to choose this way if you have talent and wrapped up into it or you can't feel fullness even if you do something with your friends or family

For example, let's say you attend school events like Sports day or choir contest, and other friends are very adapt to the occasion, even though you feel like something wrong at there. Or you are suitable to working alone in silence.

After you search enough and think thoroughly, eventually thing is just sort of instinct. 
"Ummmm....maybe....this way!!" 
this determine is right. I think.

If you can't made up your mind what career pursue to take, try interacting with many people, and might be better to take a moment.