
資料を見ないで描けますか? Can you draw illustrations without image pictures?












After read the book,(←sorry, it's Japanese) I started "Shape memorize training" to increase drawing speed.

When I receive illustration orders like "Please draw air plane",

I begin to search photos(→ to understand real shape) & illustrations(→ to know abbreviatied  shape) for documents on PC. 

This is simple order. 

But if I take order like this, It's take more time.
"Please draw middle-aged men who sit astride(Not "get on" but "ride".) on air plane and fly over business district"

I have to search ①air plane  photos (& illustrations) ②"astride on pose photo" that headed in the same direction as air plane ③middle-aged men photos (& illustrations) ( If I come across ②+③ image, so lucky! ) ④bird's-eye view of business district photos(& illustrations

finished search images, I make thumbnail it hurry and print. But when we were in hurry, printer is often jammed...!

drawing speedy is very important for illustrators. so "Shape memorize training" is necessary I think.

" I forgot shape soon if I try it "

Maybe you think so, and I feel it too. But it remains in our brain's some parts.

Sometimes I remember English word when I speak to foreigner, and other times I remember the illustrations that I saw a few decades ago.
So I want to try "Shape memorize training" with hope.

※ top image photo is Children's picture book (a visual dictionary) and my "Shape memorize training" drawings.