
イラストの仕事の流れ Illustration work flow


サラリーマン、口笛を吹く男性、家族、ペット、虫、医療品関係、泥棒、手品をする女性、調理器具、生活用品、工具… etc










My illustration works variation in company were all kinds of things, so I drew anything if I asked.
Office worker, whistling man, family, pets, bug, medical supplies, thief, woman preforming magic tricks, kitchenware, daily necessities, tools.....etc.

company sales staff take those works by client. It's rare to draw illustration only. Generally, I made whole flier and booklet, and illustration is the part of it.
When we made booklet, the work turn to manager who decide how to drive the work. 

"We have to turn in this product on this time, so the illustration have to finish until this time by this person.  set up for printing is this person, until this time...."
manage schedule like this.

And I take explain about work, then get down to business. 
First of all, I draw rough illustration and ask a customer for confirmation.
My company couldn't get performance-point to rough illustration, so it's work was same was No-performance.

After get a green light from client, I scan rough illustration, and color it with PC.
Take check the finished illustration by manager and client.
After get OK, I put it in booklet data. 
As a last work, we turn in printings (and completed data.)

This is all work flow about my illustration job.

If I work as freelance illustrator, I have to cope with all these works by myself. It' so tough!

There are many people work as a freelance, but not from the beginning. As a rule, many people belong to company, and after gain experience in the field, they quit there and work as a freelancer.