
気になる就職の話 About employment








When I was junior high school student, I worried about salary when  I go art course way. And wondered how many students could take job about art.

Other university friends said 
" You've got no choice but to be teacher "

And my neighbor aunt said
" So..., Could you find job?? "

But all friends who hunting for a job around me could get employment in the end. 
Some people were not creative job, but others are Fashion designer, Game background painter, Design office staff, variety package designer ...there are many jobs.

Only a few wealthy peoples were go to graduate school, or creative something at their house.

Hunting job is hard, but get job in itself is not impossible as many people think of it. maybe, many people around you oppose your career pursue because of misunderstand that you aim to be an artist.

However, I think only few people can continue job after entering company. Almost people quit job because of getting married.
My friend who have a children and did creative work in past, also said 
"If I keep going on the job, family will broke!!"

I thought keenly it's hard  to continue it.

If you want to continue the job after married, You'd better search job that can work at your home or open painting class in your house... I think.